What If My Keratosis Grows?

What If My Keratosis Grows?

Many think that healthy glowing skin is impossible to achieve. Well, if you do not pay attention in caring your skin in the past, not surprising then that you find yourself paying for costly regimen in caring for your skin. Most mistakes comes from undermining minor skin problems, especially they come and go.

Common knowledge today is that overexposure to sunlight leads to skin problems. One example on that is keratosis. This condition is categorized into keratosis pilaris, seborrheic keratosis and actinic keratosis. With regards to keratosis pilaris and seborrheic keratosis, treatment may only comprise using doctor-suggested medicated ointments, proper diet and healthy lifestyle. These prove to be effective during its early stage. Medical procedure is also undertaken in treating moderate cases. Likewise, actinic keratosis needs careful attention because this develops due to intense sunlight exposure and ageing.

At first, you see rough, small spots on the parts which are constantly exposed to the sun like the skin on your hands, forearms, face and ears. However, its development is not limited to these areas. The spots may feel like that of sandpaper which could be itchy. They may measure about 1 cm wide and gets bigger over time to 2 cm and become scaly and red. Nevertheless, their appearance may differ vastly. For instance, they could be wart-like and hardened and can remain flat or soft. The skin near the affected area seems to be sun-damaged, wrinkled, freckled and blotchy. If these symptoms are manifested, it is encouraged to visit the doctor.

Further complications can be prevented once diagnosed and are treated early and lessens the chances of developing into skin cancer. Seek immediate medical advice once they grow into lump, turn out to be itchy, bleed or tender.

Doctor may prescribe topical medicines in treating actinic keratosis, normally in the form of ointments that you apply directly onto the affected skin. Remember though that these treatments have side effects like rashes, redness and itching but normally disappear once the application ceased. However, the doctor may find it effective to treat the condition with therapy such as cryotherapy, which is normally done on its initial stage and quite painful. Another is photodynamic therapy which involves rubbing the crusted surface and applies special cream that contain chemical which are absorbed solely by cells damaged by the sun. The last resort for treatment is surgery which helps in confirming the diagnosis and figure out for any indication of skin cancer.

Thus, never wait till it gets bigger before seeking medical advice before it is too late.


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