Some younger individuals around do have keratosis. But the skin condition had been noticed more on the elderly. The chances of having it increase as one grows older. The immunity of the body decreases with age. This makes the skin more susceptible to the UV ray from the sun. The UV ray is able to penetrate into the skin and cause mutation of melanocytes. This brings about the formation of repeated layer of keratin on the skin, which will result into what is called keratosis.
No need for treatment
If you do not mind, you can always leave the keratosis alone on your skin. It will not cause any damage of any kind on your skin. This skin condition had never been known to have any link with cancer. But keratosis can actually make the skin look very ugly. For cosmetics reasons, you may decide to get rid of the skin condition and you can be sure of getting your normal skin color back in a short period of time. Several methods had been developed for the elimination of the skin condition and you can easily apply many of them right at home without spending a dime on hospital bill.
Try Apple cidar vinegar
This treatment method had never been known to have any negative effect on the skin when you use it to treat keratosis. In fact, it is one of the long standing treatment methods used on keratosis. It can help you get rid of the skin condition after few days of consistent treatment. It involves the application of the solution directly on the skin condition. Apple cidar vinegar has softening effect on the keratosis and it will get the skin condition bleached off. You can get the apple cidar vinegar to buy all over the place. It is never advisable to use only vinegar for this purpose. This is because of the burning effect that vinegar can have on the skin. It is therefore in your best interests to mix the vinegar with apple cidar before you apply it on your skin.
Topical creams also helpful
In case you can’t lay your hands on the apple cidar vinegar, you can always depend on simple topical cream to treat the keratosis. They usually contain moisturizing agents. One of the most commonly used bleaching agents is hydroquinone. Excessive hydroquinone should not be used to avoid any contrary outcome on the skin.

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