The Types Of Keratosis And Their Respective Treatments

Do you have any idea what those skin lesions might be? This is the result of the extra growth of the protein keratin, naturally found in the skin called keratosis. Generally, prohibition of progression to cancer, promotion of comfort and cosmetic enhancement are the aim of treatments. Since you can select from a list of treatment options, it is imperative to ascertain which of them is most appropriate for you – by determining the condition you have and uncovering its cause. This will not be that easy for there are three keratosis types. These are actinic, seborrheic and keratosis pilaris which we will be disussing along with their respective treatments.

Actinic Keratosis

Also popularly known as solar or senile keratosis. The development of bumps that are thickened, coarse and diverse in color but usually reddish to brownish on sun-exposed body parts is its manifestation. The causes are found out to be unprotected overexposure to the sun worsened by increasing age. Individuals acquiring actinic keratoses are immediately concerned because of its precancerous property. Since this type eventually leads to skin cancer, it is a must to receive appropriate treatment. The use of medicines, the use of cryogens, the use of laser, photodynamic therapy, the use of high electric current or surgery are the treatment preferences for actinic keratoses.

Seborrheic Keratosis

Differently, the distinctive lesions of seborrheic keratoses are found on parts of the body not usually exposed such as the chest and the back. But the primary difference is the seborrheic characteristic sebaceous or oily property. In addition, this does not develop to cancer. It is safe to say that your enemies are merely unattractiveness and the effects of coming in contact with clothing such as itching, bleeding or skin inflammation. Having seborrheic keratoses in the family and overexposure to the sun are the relevant factors in this type of keratosis’ development. It actually does not need treatment for it is non-cancerous. Still, treatments are available to remove these skin lesions if you want your skin blemish-free. These are laser treatments, electrocautery, the use of surgical instruments, the use of curette or cryosurgery.

Keratosis Pilaris

The last type, keratosis pilaris also known as follicular keratosis, is singularly caused by genetics. Its usual manifestation is the presence of reddish rough bumps on the posterior chest and the lateral aspect of the arm. This type is caused by the growth of excess keratin which circumscribe hair follicles; thus, the formation of small, rigid bumps. Since it is not cancerous, treatments are utilized only for symptom management including itch and discomfort. Symptoms are managed with the use of light, laser therapy or the use of medications.

Keratosis Treatment

Currently, receiving any treatment regimen for any of the three main types is not a problem. But if you hate to have skin cancer, to feel any discomfort due to skin itching, inflammation and unsightliness, you have to ensure the safety and health of your skin. Looking after your skin and avoiding keratoses is done through proper nutrition, adequate hydration, regular exercise and adequate rest and sleep.


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Keratosis Pilaris

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