Treatment For Different Kinds Of Keratosis

The following is just a summary of the various types of keratosis treatment, given the topic’s broadness. To start off, let us discuss about the word keratosis. Individuals use this term to refer to an unusual growth of keratin that shows up on a person’s epidermis. As for keratin, it is the primary constituent of the epidermis itself. The term keratosis can be used to refer to cutaneous horns, actinic keratosis, keratosis pilaris, and seborrheic keratosis. Keratosis as a condition might affect either small parts of your body, or its entirety.

Varying in size, cutaneous horns are keratinous skin tumors. Cutaneous horns are commonly localized while also being benign and small in magnitude. But they can also be malignant or premalignant. Studies reveal that cutaneous horns may be triggered by being exposed to radiation. The swiftest keratosis treatment for cutaneous horns is by using a sterile blade to eliminate the dead keratin that has hardened. Other people with the condition engage in chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery as treatment.

Actinic keratosis is a potentially precancerous malignant skin condition that appears as reddish crusty patches of skin that may look scaly. Quite common among fair-skinned people, actinic keratosis is said to be caused by too much exposure to the sun without protection. To avert the chances that actinic keratosis will become squamous cell carcinoma, a skin cancer, treatment should be administered as soon as possible. The backs of your hands, your chest, forearms, ears, scalp, face, neck, lips, etc. are often the most exposed to the sun’s rays which is why actinic keratosis commonly appears on them. Ways to treat actinic keratosis may include lasers, medicated creams like 5-fluorouracil, photodynamic therapy, electrocautery, as well as cryosurgery. After treatment, doctors advise the patient to have regular check-ups.

Otherwise known as follicular keratosis, keratosis pilaris appears on the skin as a follicular condition that manifests as irregular, uneven bumps. You can see the bumps on one’s flanks, thighs, buttocks, hands, and the tops of the legs. When an excess amount of keratin is produced and entraps hair follicles in their pores, this causes keratosis pilaris. Palliative treatments are advised. Triamcinolone or Tretinoin-containing creams also aid in treating keratosis pilaris.

Last but not the least, seborrheic keratosis refers to benign skin growth that normally appears with the coming of old age. The cause for it is not that well determined. It comes from keratinocytes, looks like warts and can appear in shades from light tan to black.

Because of the fact that seborrheic keratosis is noncancerous, treatment is usually unnecessary. However, if the itchiness too difficult to bear and if the lesions have become infected, cryosurgery is what you require. Additional techniques for seborrheic keratosis are light electrocautery, electrodessication and curettage, shave excision as well as cryotherapy.