Seborrheic Keratosis – Self Guided Research

Seborrheic keratosis is a benign skin growth that may resemble a mole or wart and appears in adults. Seborrheic keratosis does not appear in children and teenagers. The condition poses no health risks for people who suffer from it. While they may also bear some resemblance to precancerous actinic keratosis or cancerous melanoma lesions, an examination by a doctor or dermatologist can address those concerns.

While there are no known cures or preventative measures for addressing seborrheic keratosis, several very good websites offer insight to seborrheic keratosis diagnosis and treatment options. All of the following sites are free to browse and use. These are just a few of many available.

The Mayo Clinic website ( is an excellent source. It is a complete guide that not only defines seborrheic keratosis, but also provides guidelines for identifying and differentiating seborrheic keratosis from other growths. You will also find helpful information on diagnostic tests, what to expect, and removal options and their side effects.

The American Association of Dermatology ( also offers a significant amount of information along with photographs of seborrheic keratosis Here you will also find an exhaustive amount of information on other skin conditions as well as a directory of dermatologists.

Two sites that doctors often recommend are, and They offer straightforward, easy to read information in language suited for nonprofessionals.

Tandurust ( offers balanced information for identifying and treating
seborrheic keratosis. Both home remedies and traditional approaches are presented.

Ehow ( and Wikipedia ( are both open publications that provide research and data that can be added and edited by anyone. Unfortunately, it can prove challenging to substantiate information found at these site.
As with all internet research, it is advisable to cross-reference material, check sources, and in the case of health related information, double and triple check. Remember, is that your doctor or another specialist can more often than not be your greatest resource.

One caveat to conducting one’s own research, particularly when attempting to research a medical condition, pharmaceutical companies and other for-profit entities often publish sites that while helpful, may potentially provide somewhat skewed information.

Fortunately, seborrheic keratosis is a non-live threatening issue. Left alone, seborrheic keratosis will never pose a risk to your health. Any treatment or removal options are ultimately and simply cosmetic. It is important however to know that you are dealing with seborrheic keratosis and not a more serious condition.


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