Keratosis Treatment at a Glance

Since keratosis treatment is a broad subject, the discussion will be kept as concisely comprehensive as possible. Prior to anything else, let us first determine what is keratosis. Individuals use this term to refer to an unusual growth of keratin that appears on a person’s epidermis. Keratin is the main organic constituent of the epidermis. The term keratosis can be used to refer to cutaneous horns, actinic keratosis, keratosis pilaris, and seborrheic keratosis. Keratosis as a condition may affect either small parts of your body, or its entirety.

Cutaneous horns that are really keratinous skin tumors look like “horns” which differ in size. Cutaneous horns are usually restricted while also being benign and small in magnitude. However, there is a chance that they may become malignant or premalignant. These keratinous skin tumors have been related with radiation as part of the effects of being exposed to it. The swiftest keratosis treatment for cutaneous horns is by using a sterile blade to eliminate the dead keratin that has hardened. Other forms of treatment include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery.

Actinic keratosis is a potentially precancerous malignant skin condition that appears as reddish crusty patches of skin that may look scaly. Quite common among fair-skinned people, actinic keratosis is said to be caused by too much exposure to the sun without protection. To prevent the chances that actinic keratosis will become squamous cell carcinoma, a skin cancer, treatment must be administered as soon as possible. Visibly exposed body areas to the sun’s rays, such as ears, scalp, face, neck, forearms, the backs of the hands, chest, or lips, are the common target areas of the body. Methods to treat actinic keratosis can include lasers, medicated creams like Ag3derm, 5-fluorouracil, photodynamic therapy, electrocautery, and cryosurgery. Regular check ups are important after finishing treatment, according to doctors.

Keratosis pilaris, or follicular keratosis, is a follicular condition that commonly appears coarse, uneven bumps on the skin. These bumps can appear on the tops of the legs, buttocks, flanks, thighs, hands, etc. When an excess amount of keratin is created and entraps hair follicles in their pores, this causes keratosis pilaris. Engaging in palliative treatments is suggested. Keratosis pilaris may also be cured using creams that have Triamcinolone or Tretinoin. Glycolic Acid is also a recommended treatment.

Last but not the least, seborrheic keratosis refers to benign skin growth that normally appears with the coming of old age. The cause for it is not that well determined. Seborrheic keratosis is from keratinocytes, which look like small warts and may be colored with any color from light tan to even black.

Since it is noncancerous, no treatment is necessary. However, if it becomes too itchy or if a lesion that has been picked becomes infected, cryosurgery can be used to remove the lesions. Additional ways for seborrheic keratosis are Ag3derm cream, light electrocautery, electrodessication and curettage, shave excision and cryotherapy.

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