Keratosis – Do I Need A Biopsy?

Keratosis is a skin condition nobody wants. But, it is impossible because you cannot avoid exposing yourself under the sun especially if you love to stay outdoors. Also, you could never discount the danger posed by the depletion of ozone layer which is responsible of protecting the earth from the damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun.

Admittedly, on mentioning skin disease, human perception on this matter is somewhat different several decades ago. People from the past are not so familiar with skin cancer. Now, things are quite different. When you speak of skin disease, they immediately link them to skin cancer. True, if skin diseases are not treated, they advance to serious condition. In fact, it could be deadly.

Think about keratosis. Many are unfamiliar with this condition because the manifestations are mild. In fact, many associate them into acne, pimples and warts. With keratosis untreated over time, unaware of the danger it poses, one might be surprise to discover that it is already in its severe stage. Currently, a keratosis biopsy is recommended by physicians. What does this procedure entail? Why is it undertaken? What are the dangers if not undertaken?

Skin cancer develops in your skin cells, called epidermis which is your skin’s outer layer. The survival rate is noteworthy given that it is detected and treated before it worsens. The only way of determining its condition is through skin biopsy. The procedure gets skin sample or remove cells to your body surface. The sample is then examined to give information concerning your condition. Biopsy is necessary to rule out or diagnose skin conditions as well as diseases such as actinic keratosis. It develops due to overexposure to sunlight and is precancerous lesions, which are probably to advance in cancerous lesions once untreated.

Biopsy comes in two types. First, is shave biopsy in which the doctor uses sharp tool, scalpel or two-edged razor in cutting the tissue. The procedure causes bleeding and stopped by pressure application onto the area or by incorporating topical medicine and pressure. Second type is excisional biopsy which involves cutting fat under the skin. The entire procedure may only take 15 minutes which include time of preparation, wound dressing as well as giving instructions for home care.

One should never disclose the need of biopsy especially those suffering from actinic keratosis because it is the initial stage in developing skin cancer. Therefore, listen what your physician suggests in treating your keratosis.

Keratosis further readingFurther Reading:


Website Reading:

Actinic Keratosis

Seborrheic Keratosis
