The Three Different Types Of Keratosis And Ways To Treat Them


Do you have any idea what those skin lesions might be? This is the result of the extra development of the protein keratin, naturally found in the skin. Generally, avoidance of advancement to cancer, promotion of comfort and cosmetic enhancement are the function of treatments. Since you can select from a list of keratosis treatment options, it is crucial to ascertain which of them is most appropriate for you – by discovering the keratosis type you have and discovering its cause. This will be a bit difficult because there are three types of keratosis. In the following paragraphs, we will tackle these three types, namely, actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis and keratosis pilaris as well as their treatments.

The first on the list is actinic keratosis which is alternately referred to as “solar keratosis” and “senile keratosis”. The formation of bumps that are consolidated, coarse and diverse in color but usually reddish to brownish on sun-exposed body parts is its manifestation. This is usually caused by overexposure to the sun aggravated by the process of aging. Although this type is seldomly painful or itchy, this can progress into malignant conditions. Therefore, this should be treated at the earliest stage possible to hinder its progression to cancer. Treatment modalities for actinic keratosis include the use of medications – oral, topical or intravenous – cryosurgery, laser therapy, photodynamic therapy, electrocautery or various surgical procedures.

On the other hand, the formation in any part of the body but mostly on the chest and back of skin bumps considerably the same as actinic keratosis is the main manifestation of seborrheic keratosis. But its waxy or oily property is what makes it very different from actinic keratosis. Another characteristic in contrast to actinic keratosis is its inability to grow into cancer. Therefore, you will worry only about your physical appearance and the minor skin complications that result from your skin rubbing with your clothes. Family history and overexposure to the sun are the essential factors in this type of keratosis’ development. . It actually does not need treatment for it is benign. But if we are talking about physical appearance, there are several ways with which we can remove these unwanted lesions. As with actinic keratosis, the affected individual can choose among laser treatments, electrocautery, surgery, curettage or cryosurgery.

The last type, keratosis pilaris also known as follicular keratosis, is solely caused by family history. This is also characterized by rough bumps on the skin, usually red and that are usually located at the back and outer arm. This type is caused by the growth of excess keratin which envelopes hair follicles; thus, the formation of minute, callous bumps. Like seborrheic keratosis, it only needs treatment for the symptoms. These treatments are the use of light, the use of laser or the use of prescribed medications usually in the form of topical applications.

Currently, receiving any treatment regimen for any of the three keratosis types is not a problem. But if you dislike to have skin cancer, to feel any discomfort due to skin itching, edema and unsightliness, you have to ensure the safety and health of your skin. And this is done through proper diet, adequate hydration, regular exercise and adequate rest and sleep.

Keratosis further readingFurther Reading

Actinic Keratosis

Seborrheic Keratosis