Top Ten Keratosis Treatments

Actinic Keratosis occurs when abnormal cells get confined to the top layer of skin (epidermis). Keratoses of actinic nature will develop in areas of skin such as ears, hands, arms, face and scalp, which are exposed to the sun. They are both red and scaly patches that are rough to touch. Abbreviated as KP, Kelatoris Pilaris is the condition where skin keratin hardens on building up, hence forming small bumps. These are mostly fresh in color, with the possibility of becoming pink or red if irritated. In contrast, sebhorrheic keratoses are benign lesions that pose no cancer risk, but are quite distasteful to bear. They appear in various dimensions, ranging from barely noticeable spots to large black growths.

Many different forms of treatment are available for patients suffering actinic and sebhorrheic keratosis, including keratosis pilaris. The best results however come when combining multiple forms of therapy.

Prevention Measures

Patients with keratosis should take precaution to avoid excessive drying of skin and should apply soapless cleansing agents for sanitation practices.


In cryotherapy or cryosurgery, lesions become frozen on the surface of skin affected by keratosis. The agents used in carrying out the freezing process are called cryogens. They include liquid Nitrogen, which is the most common and carbon dioxide, which was the form used earlier on. Dimethyl Ether and Propane (DMEP) completes the list of active cryogenic substances.


When undertaking curettage treatment procedure, a surgeon will use a surgical curette tool for scraping and scooping tissue. The lesions occasioned by actinic keratosis can then be eliminated. The fact that curettage is a surgical removal method means you only need to undergo one successful procedure for therapy.

Topical 5-Fluorouracil

Topical medications, like 5-Fluorauracil facilitate a more generalized approach in treating multiple lesions from actinic keratosis. Solar keratosis is the most common ailment for which 5-Fluorouracil is prescribed. This is a lethal chemical agent which renders destruction to sun-damaged cells, leaving behind vibrant looking skin.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy appropriates blue light (417nm) and aminolevulinic acid (Levulan) in restoring vigor to diseased skin. There however is need for more confirmative trials on its use as treatment for keratosis.

Regular Medication

You may take oral medication such as isotretinoin as an approach for combating negative symptoms of severe keratosis pilaris.


Excision surgery can also be conducted as intervention for keratosis, as well as dermabrasion.

Laser Therapy

During laser treatment, cells affected by keratosis are irradiated with a laser beam of high intensity, effectively destroying them.

Topical Products

Lotions and creams containing retinoids, lactic and alpha-hydroxy acids also comprise suitable keratosis therapies.

Home Remedies

Using a humidifier to add moisture to the environment you live in, is among recommended domestic remedies that alleviate itching effects of Keratosis.


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