Keratosis Pilaris Symptoms

Keratosis Pilaris is characterized by chicken–like bumps which are known to be small and rough in nature. Keratosis Pilaris, or KP for short, is most commonly found along the thighs and upper arms, however at one time or the other it is likely that the buttocks, cheeks and they often feel grater-like in texture, they spread usually around the thigh. KP is more common in adolescents and children and probably affect around 50% of the world population. It is also believed that the infection affects around 4 out of every 10 adults are also affected with women becoming more prone to the infection.

Keratosis Pilaris is genetic in nature and any of an individual’s parents carrying a default gene will likely spread it to a child. Though medically harmless, KP can be aesthetically unhealthy and will make your skin look very damaged. One of the facts many people do not know about Keratosis Pilaris is that the disease often accompany some other diseases including Ichthyosis Vulgaris and Atopic Dermatitis. Many patients treated for Keratosis may also have to deal with Eczema , Hay fever, dry scaly skin,  hay fever , and asthma.

KP often improves with age , however the skin condition may become aggravated during puberty. The process of keratinization often result in the formation of the epidermal skin (this is the raised part of the skins structure), this process is characterized with the building up of surplus skin cells within the hair follicles and most times their hairs wouldn’t be able to grow out from the skin and become trapped inside. This consequence of the conditions must be treated because it can lead to follicular acne infections which can be troublesome and painful.

When inflammation occurs within the hair follicles that have been affected, then the skin becomes discoloured this is characterized by some embarrassing brown or red polka dots which form around the mound of keratosis infection.

Due to the fact that Keratosis is genetic in nature, it may become uncurable, hence you as an individual will need to protect his or her outer-self. There is no guaranty that you will outgrow your keratosis , however there are some ways through which you can minimize the appearances of the disorder. Proper body hygiene is very essential here, make sure you clean your skin and moisturize it to avoid skin damage and skin sensitivity to some factors that can aggravate Keratosis Pilaris. A cleanser or moisturizer containing glycolic acid can help to gently exfoliate the skin easing the symptoms of rough skin and trapped hairs.

KeratosisFurther Reading:

Actinic Keratosis – Seborrheic Keratosis

Website Reading:

Actinic Keratosis

Seborrheic Keratosis
