Hyperkeratosis – Epdermolytic hyperkeratosis

Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis

Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK), is also referred to as Bullous CIE. It is an autosomal infection , which results from the mutation of some keratin producing genes.  Many mutation problems caused to these keratin supplying genes have been reported to be behind several complications caused by the infection.  The mutations caused on these keratin genes often result in what is known as defective Keratin proteins. Skin collapse and clinical blistering are some of the earliest symptoms of the  complications caused by the mutation to keratin protein, the body’s reaction to compensate for the loss of keratin protein often result in the thickening of the skin and that results in more complications.

Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis infection is a rare occurring skin disorder and it is believed that 1 out of every 200,000 people suffer from the infection.  The rate of infection of this hyperkeratosis condition is believed to be the same worldwide.  This is one of the few keratosis infection that do not occur in a particular race, it occur in all races with people of different skin conditions , colour and weather.  Electrolyte imbalances as well as recurrent infections are some of the characteristics of the Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.  Pregnant women are some of the groups of people who are most susceptible to this infection especially in their neo-natal stage.

The development of the Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis infection occur regardless of the race as well as sex of the individual, though the infection occur more in children than in adults. EHK infection occur at birth or shortly after birth and it is characterized by Blistering, erythema, and sometimes peeling. These symptoms may ameliorate in most patients after some time.  The infection is present in neonates and it is characterized by superficial blisters, subtle skin thickening  or scaling may be apparent especially in the first month of infection, and as the patient gets older, the scaling becomes thicker while the blisters become less pronounced.

The palms and soles of the feet of an individual are usually some of the parts that are mostly affected  by the EHK, and in most patients , some of these symptoms will disappear after sometime. Genetic defects in genes causes EHK infections and the symptoms of this infection will vary from feet to the palm, the forms of treatments given to patients that suffer from this infection are those that are designed towards  correcting the imbalances created by genetic mutation that result to the infection.

Hyperkeratosis further readingFurther Keratosis Reading

Hyperkeratosis – Actinic Keratosis

Hyperkeratosis – Seborrheic Keratosis

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