Herbs As Compelling Instruments In Removing Age Spots

The developmental process of aging is accompanied by the coming into sight of brownish, grayish or even blackish lesions on facial or body skin called age spots and which are also usually known as liver spots. However, aging is not the only reason to be blamed for the appearance of liver spots for staying unprotected too long under the sun also brings forth these skin lesions to appear on younger peoples’ skin. These blemishes, whether they are brought about by old age or by the damaging effects of the sun, are considered extremely disgusting especially to the individuals harboring them. Aside from the unsightly audacious appearance it brings to the skin it also usually causes discomfort – making intense dislike of these spots expected. Currently, there are already several treatments accessible for the elimination of age spots, one of which is the use of herbs – which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

Let me first ask you this question: what exactly causes age spots? Our skins always have this automatic mechanism of replacing skins cells every once in a while, even if there is no actual skin damage whatsoever. Due to aging which leads to a reduction in the skin’s ability to still undergo this process, the deterioration of the skin becomes more powerful than its regeneration. Because of this reality, healing of any skin injury lasts for a very long time and consequently brings about the formation of age spots.

So, if the problem is with the body’s mechanism itself, how do we treat it? By revitalizing the body’s regular mechanisms, and boosting them to a level where the skin regeneration rate normalizes. Therefore, we must find all herbs that can revitalize all of our body systems, particularly those that improve blood circulation and those that make skin cells tougher to do their repair jobs.

One herb that has been used previously as a health cure and currently proven to have the capability to remove age spots is the red clover. This is because the red clover is widely believed to have a diuretic property on the blood, or the ability to be able to remove or dump excess fluid. As a result, red clover is commonly considered an adjunct treatment for medicines to further enhance the circulation of blood throughout the body and therefore, invigorating its other physiologic functions.

The burdock plant shares the same role of the red clover as a diuretic, although herbalists and apothecaries have also commonly used the plant to clean the bloodstream of common toxins. Again, using this can help improve circulation, probably even better than what the red clover does, although it’s still more recommendable to use it with other compatible medicine to amplify the effect.

The next herb in focus is the mik thistle which is somehow dissimilar from the red clover and the burdock plant. Unlike the red clover and burdock that concentrates on the circulatory system, the milk thistle concentrates on the liver, utilizing silymarin to protect it and enhance its function. And it is common knowledge that the liver is one of the most essential organs of the body especially due to its metabolism function. Therefore, by enhancing the liver’s metabolism function, the body’s remaining processes are also invigorated and the age spots slowly heal, as a result.

Lastly, take in to mind that instant outcomes should not be expected despite taking the herbs for already quite some time. Their effects on the body are indirect, therefore, instead of directly treating the age spots themselves, they address the underlying causes first. Moreover, it takes a while before the body gets familiar with such an invigoration process.

Age Spots Further ReadingAge Spots Further Reading:

Age Spots WebsitesAge Spots Websites:

Remove Age Spots – Skin Pigmentation – Ag3derm – Melasma Treatment